

Dear Friend(s) in Christ,
A very, very warm welcome to St. Michael’s Parish, Redhill
Our parish Priest is Fr Zakhele Nzama. 
Our parish deacons are Dc. Henry Blair, Dc. Mishack Kali, and Dc. Theo King.
Claudine Tucker is our parish pastoral council chairperson.

Brief history

Erected as a temporary wood and iron structure in 1922 . St Michael's Parish is one of the older Churches in the Northern Suburbs of Durban. The catholic's in the area at the time were originally looked after by Fr Quinquis from Verulam. A statue of St Michael was presented and blessed in 1925. Fr Raymond Coates was the first South African priest to serve at St Michael's and raised funds to build a new brick building which opened on the 4th December 1949 by Archbishop Hurley.

Some changes have been made to St Michael's church over the years which includes the beautiful stained glass windows depicting the history of salvation and the sacraments. A few new programmes and liturgies have also been put in place. On the 29th June 2008 the Perpetual Adoration Chapel was opened. This wonderful addition has afforded Our Lord the honour he so rightly deserves as well as providing the Parishioners the opportunity to "Keep watch and pray with Him for a while"


Our Homilies are posed regularly on social media and we currently have 1300 followers,
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Good evening/morning my brothers and sisters in Christ. The opening Prayer for Sunday's Mass is: "Look upon us, 0 God, Creator and ruler of all things, and, that we may feel the working of your mercy, grant that we may serve you with all our heart, Through Christ our Lord... -I Peter 4:10 Says: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. This evening/morning, I present to you, the second invitation of our Stewardship Trilogy: Using our Gifts or Talents to serve others. Parish ministry volunteers are answering God's call to serve and they are an incredible blessing to the parish. Examples of this can be found in those serving our parishes, Ushers, Altar Servers, Lectors, Choir Members, Catechism Teachers, Bereavement Committee Members, Welcome Committee Members, parishioners serving on SSVDP, on Finance and CWL. This is how we share our talents! If you are not already serving, discern how you can use your talents to serve.

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Mass Times

  • Tuesday evening 6.30pm
  • Wednesday morning - 8.30am
  • Friday morning - 8.30am
  • Sat evening - 5.00pm
  • Sunday morning  - 7.00am/9.30am (English) and 11.30am (in Zulu)
  • Confession Times: Sat 4.15pm – 4.45pm Or on Request
  • Adoration Chapel - 8:00 am - 8:00pm

Contact Information

Office Hours Mon - Fri (8:00am-2:00pm)


Cynthia (Parish Secretary)

Colette (Financial Secretary)

Henry Blair (Deacon)

Fr Zakhele Nzama (Parish Priest)

Parish Telephone Numbers:

(031) 5635618

(031) 5630729

Emergency No:


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